Explanation on function of solar LED lighting controller
According to technology developing, more and more street lighting will be solar powered by to save electricity and it is much much safer and convenient installation. Solar lighting use special solar lighting controller adjusting batteries charging and discharging, it length make solar lights lifespan and save maintenance cost if the controller has high quality, lower loss and long lifespan. Now let’s introduce function of solar lighting controller:
1. Controlling
The basic function of a solar light is controlling, solar panel will charge for battery when sunshine on the solar panel, why can charge? Because controller can detect charging voltage and can also set an output voltage for discharging to LED lamp, which will be light on.
2. Voltage stabilizing
The charging voltage is not so stable in the process of battery charging from solar panel. Probably it will reduce battery lifespan even hurt batteries if charging straightly without controller.
While controller is capable of stabilizing voltage, for charging process, controller has capacity of voltage constant and current-limiting, it can keep float charging when charging completed.
3. Voltage boosting
Solar lighting controller has function of voltage boosting, controller need to increase output voltage value if it cannot detect voltage output. For example, battery voltage is 24V and lamp requires 36V, then controller need to boost voltage to light on lamp.
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